Making a Difference and Changing the World


You can make a difference and change the world. Being in the now, appreciating life, and showing kindness to others is the key. When you take the time to acknowledge people during the day, you create positive energy in a powerful way.

This spreads in waves from one person to the next. It sounds very simple, and it has been said before, but often requires a gentle reminder.


I once had a job that required me to speak on the phone, assisting people in resolving computer software issues. In an effort to stall for a few moments, while I waited for the necessary web applications to load, I would announce myself and then ask the person, how are you today? This gave me time to load the appropriate screen on my computer while they answered. By the time we had finished our greetings and inquiries, I was ready to begin the troubleshooting process.

Over time, I began to notice how the mood of the caller changed when I questioned how they were doing. I also began to realize the power involved in acknowledging another person. When I asked them how they were, they shifted their focus for a moment from the computer problem to themselves and how they were feeling. Almost always, the person stated they were doing well, thereby verbally confirming it to themselves and to me.

At this point the conversation became more relaxed, allowing us to approach the issue calmly. Sometimes I had to remind them of the original problem, as they would be content just to chat and prolong the pleasantries. Once the discourse was completed, they were energized, having participated in a friendly exchange and at the same time resolving their computer issue.

After becoming aware of the beauty of this verbal exchange, I began to take every opportunity to implement it, on the phone or in person. Whether I am paying for something in a store, riding in an elevator, or in any other personal encounter that is appropriate, I take the opportunity to acknowledge others.

I truly enjoy this experience of bringing positive feelings to those who I meet throughout my day. If I hadn’t seen another human being for weeks or months, think how happy I would be to see them.

Life is a dance, choreographed by each individual. There is a purpose and an opportunity in the encounters with those whose paths cross, even if just for a few moments.


I was told a story by my mother, about a particular day when she was on her daily stroll. As she walked down the street she saw a woman approaching. As the woman got closer, my mother noticed her pleasant appearance. She stopped as they passed and complimented her on how she looked. The woman responded that she lived alone and never received compliments and that my mother’s remark made her day. From then on Mom said she always looked for something sincere and positive to say, whenever she had the opportunity.

As you walk your chosen path, you can make a profound difference in the world. You are here for a reason. You have the power to change the world with acts of kindness. However small they may seem, they add up to a lifetime.

 Trust in life, it is perfect.