Being Kind
Be kind. That’s the way to be. No matter what is happening around you, the opportunity for kindness is always there.
Be gentle with yourself and others. In doing so, the world becomes a better place.
Be the source of goodness in your everyday life. You will feel happy and be able to share your happiness with others.
While you are on your spiritual journey, take the opportunity to experience and exhibit all the loving human qualities that reside in your heart. Share them with the world.
Be kind every chance you get, for kindness is a renewable resource that must be regenerated from each individual.
Kindness gives rise to more kindness and then even more. It makes you feel better. It makes others feel better. It creates healing energy and positive vibrations.
Kindness brings you to a higher spiritual place, one in which the highest Masters that ever walked the Earth dwelled.
When you live in the vibration of kindness, you are in a walking meditation. You are honoring yourself and others as you make the effort to exhibit a caring and loving nature.
When you live in the vibration of kindness, you are in a walking meditation. You are honoring yourself and others as you make the effort to exhibit a caring and loving nature.
Kindness can be shown in small ways, a smile, a comment, assisting someone, allowing them to go before you, and on and on.
When you make the decision to be kind, it becomes increasingly simple to incorporate kindness into everything you do.
Remember the Golden Rule.
Treat yourself the way you want to be treated and then go out into the world and treat others the way you would want them to treat you.
Even if they have not embraced the awareness of being kind, show them, so they know. By doing so you are giving them the opportunity to learn to be kind too.
Deep down everyone knows how to be kind. It is not something that must be learned. It is a natural state, one that brings joy to all that experience it.
As you practice kindness, you will Love the way it makes you feel. It won’t be an effort, instead it will be a joy.
Speak kind words, both to yourself and others. The kindness in those words, creates a good feeling. It makes you want to do it more and more.
Being Kind is the simplest thing you can do. It takes no effort and has only uplifting energy. After all, isn’t that what being Spiritual is about?
Honoring others and listening to them when they speak, accepting that they are on a spiritual path, the same as you are, is being kind.
Walking away when others speak words that do not resonate with you, is honoring and being kind to yourself.
When you are kind, you will never have regrets about what you do or say. Instead, you will be filled with the happiness that go with creating a wonderful thing such as Kindness.
A Message from Beings of Light in the Higher Realms …Brought through with Love and Light, by Wendy Ann Zellea…
©️2021 Happy Awareness Publications
You may share this message, but please give credit to Wendy Ann Zellea at This message is channeled. It is written as intended. If you share, please do not change the content.