We are where we are for a reason.

We have heard that before, and many of us believe it. When we accept that we are here for some sort of mystical or etheric reason, and even more than that are in a particular place also for a reason, we are stepping into the realm of Divine Design.

We can feel confident throughout our day that we are flowing with the Rhythm of Life, and when we return home, we can feel as though we are truly where we belong. However, it is not only for ourselves that we are where we are meant to be, but from a higher perspective, there is a reason why each one of us is where we are.Read more »

The Higher Self is connected to the Higher Source of everything.

As we read a book and focus on the content, there is another part of us that knows we are reading the book. This is our Higher Self, our soul, the true essence of our being. It is the part of us that was with us before we incarnated into this lifetime. It is also the part of us that will move on to the next phase of our existence. It is the part of our being that sings the unique note that defines each of us and resonates with the entire Universe, all that exists, and that which does not.Read more »

Enough of Darwin and Newton, we must relinquish their theories and reach out into the unknown for new truths.

We are grateful to these men for the giant steps they took in their time, but now we are embarking upon the Quantum Age, which requires new ideas and beliefs to move us forward into the New Era.

Charles and Isaac were great men back then, but this is our time. One mistaken idea that has survived, is that this is the most advanced civilization ever to exist on Earth. No, I am not kidding, there are many who actually believe this.Read more »

Being selfish, traditionally means thinking only of ourselves, without regard for others. As adults we learn, being selfish is a childish, un-evolved trait. Because we have learned to think this way, we tend to feel guilty about focusing on ourselves. Some of us are masters at serving others first, to the point of leaving no energy for our own needs. Others of us ignore ourselves, focusing on outward aspects of life, rather than what is inside of us. In either case, we are not serving the needs of the Self.

When we are Spiritually Self-ish, to coin a phrase, we are not disregarding others, but we are tending to our energetic selves. This is something that many of us are re-learning. How is it that we forgot how to nurture ourselves, or did we ever learn? And why is paying attention to ourselves considered selfish? Of course, we cannot focus on ourselves every minute of the day, and ignore the rest of the world, but to be happy and grow spiritually, we must not ignore our own needs, both physical and energetic.Read more »

We live in a balanced world. Yes, it is true. At times there is turmoil, but in the end, there must be balance. Consider the Earth, a planet orbiting in a Solar System. It must remain balanced to continue, with the least resistance, on its path.

A state of balance, has the least amount of stress. When we are energetically balanced, we feel good. We are resonating with Source and receiving guidance. Living in a balanced state promotes well-being, happiness, and peace.

In today’s world, creating balance calls for focus. We must learn to govern our energy, by setting personal boundaries. Each of us has unique requirements for creating balance, based upon our individual character. Some of us may need to work less and relax more. This could mean finding a new career or moving to a new location. Others may already have found balance and must only work at fine-tuning it.Read more »