Maintaining the Highest Vibration by Thinking Positive Thoughts
Spiritual Growth, otherwise known as a Path to Enlightenment, is the focus of those living in the New Era.
It is a continuous process of increasing your energetic signature. Many variables can affect your vibration. Emotional and environmental factors influence your Aggregate of Light, which determines your resonance.
Other people can significantly affect the vibrational level of your Light Body as well. However, you can make a conscious effort to maintain the highest vibration, no matter what is going on around you.
Think Positive Thoughts, Speak Positive Words
This may seem obvious, but its importance cannot be over emphasized. Each thought and word has a vibration. In fact everything has a vibration. You are made up of energy, which moves in, out, and through your multi-dimensional body, at a rate determined by the level at which you vibrate.
You may resonate with some vibrations and not with others, because your vibration is attracted to, neutral, or repelled by all other vibrations. This is why you are drawn to certain people, colors, music, spiritual modalities, and all other aspects of life.Read more »