The earthly hologram is designed for humans to experience duality, free will, and a three-dimensional physical form. While it is possible to visualize the characteristics of other dimensions, it is generally beyond the realm of rational thought to experience them. However, you can journey etherically to other dimensions, because your multi-dimensional aspects exist in those places.
Everything is vibration, allowing you to experience shifts into more subtle energetic states, which are attuned to higher dimensional frequencies. As you hold increased Light in your energy body, you can experience shifts into other sub-dimensions. The process of transitioning from one part of consciousness to another, creates subtly unique dimensions, in other words, changes happen.
A dimension is a point of view.
Your being is allotted one point or coordinate in the universe, one tiny multi-dimensional dot in the entire scheme of creation. But from that point you can expand to different dimensions, while remaining securely anchored. Each point of view resonates with a compatible dimension. These dimensions exist in tandem with one another, promoting cooperation and accentuating differences.
Everything occurs simultaneously in a quantum world.
Time, as it exists in the modern world, is merely a system of ordering possibilities which have already occurred, are occurring, or might occur, and calling it the past, present or future. The past can be changed and the future influenced by the simple act of forgiveness. When you forgive another person, or even yourself, it changes the past by modifying an event.
As you become more enlightened, you can go a step further and remove old energy, by sending a past issue, and all connected to it, back to its source, to be transmuted into positive energy. Then you can fill the space in your Light body with pure white Light. Practicing such techniques modifies your Akashic record, thereby eliminating the karmic aspect associated with a past event.
The future can be influenced by intent. In other words, you are not a hapless victim, but rather a being with free will and the power to influence the events that make up your lifetime.
In the new era, information from other dimensions is being brought forth and veils are thinning. When you sense that you have met someone before, is because they are your soul family. Perhaps you remember having been in a place that you are visiting for the first time. Synchronistic events are mystical experiences, moments of resonating and forging connections with other dimensions.
You may have a memory of another lifetime as a king, a queen or a well-known historical being. Each memory is valid, because those are archetypes, representing an experience, lesson, or event that was the purpose of that incarnation. From a certain point of view, in each unique reality, you were that person.
When a past life is remembered or a prediction or prophecy is made, other dimensions are accessed and information flows from new sources. In the new era the veil is thinning, resulting in an increase in synchronistic events, intuitive knowledge, and clairvoyance, allowing mystical experiences to be commonplace. It can then be surmised that what you do here, affects what happens everywhere else, through the vast number of etheric pathways that have entangled you to the cosmic aspect of yourself.
The Ascended Masters who walked on Earth and were able to do extraordinary things were accessing a greater degree of their human potential. They were an example of what can be achieved by humans. They raised the vibration of humanity, so consciousness could expand in good and perfect time.