Holding the Light
There currently exists, and the number is growing, many individuals and groups who realize that their purpose on earth is to contribute to the transformation, transmutation, and evolution of the Earth and its inhabitants…
We are the ones who are paving the way for humanity to move into the Higher Realms…
We are the ones holding the Light for all humanity…
It is what we have chosen to do…
It is our destiny…
And it is what matters to us…
And now, more than ever, it is up to each of us to hold more Light than ever…
And Shine it even brighter, so that all the world will not forget that there still is a Light…
The Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine energies will be balanced…
And we will again become the Luminous Light Beings we once were…
Brought through with Love and Light by Wendy Ann Zellea
©️2016 Happy Awareness Publications
You may share this message, but please give credit to Wendy Ann Zellea at ascensionmessages.com .
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