You have a built-in, impeccable source of guidance, that sends you signs and messages from the higher realms.

Some of these communications are fleeting, others are profound. One thing they all have in common is that they arrive at the perfect time.

You may ask for guidance from the Higher Beings or your guides, and receive an answer in a form that is familiar to you. It can arrive in a dream or might be something another person randomly says. Other times you may have a synchronistic experience that inspires you and happens just at the perfect time.

Where do these mystical messages come from?

The universe is multidimensional, meaning that unique vibrations allow different realities to exist simultaneously. Resonating with one of these vibrations, allows you to communicate etherically and receive information from the other dimensions, and the beings that exist there.

When this happens you have established a connection that transmutes incoming energy into a recognizable form, whether it be language, an event, or other modality..

Mystical signs and symbols come from any number of dimensional vibrations. Angelic Beings, Ascended Masters, spiritual guides, and others, all have the perfect vibration to be compatible with the dimension in which they exist, just as you do in yours.

You might get glimpses in your mind of these places. Other times you can receive inspiration or messages that you can share with others. The source of these magical happenings may be revealed to you, or not. It is all as it is meant to be.

A message from the universe can happen as an event or occurrence, which synchronizes with another simultaneous event. You think of someone, and they call you, you receive a check in the mail at an opportune time, or perhaps you are guided to make a decision as a result of a conversation or a random piece of information you happen across, all this happens because elements of the universe are working with you.

I receive inspiration to write these messages from Archangel Metatron. When the words start coming, it is as if they are pooling up in my brain. Then I must free them from the confines of my mind and type them into the computer. Once I do, then more words begin to come, until the message is complete. 

I receive other winks from the universe too. Occasionally, when I am outside walking, I see two birds land together near me, I can feel the presence of my mother and father for those few moments. When I am chatting on the phone to a friend, and closed captioning is on the TV, the word that is being spoken in our conversation appears on the screen at the same time.

There are many magical messages and signs coming to you from the universe. When you take one short moment to acknowledge them, you may find that there are more than you previously noticed.

Even in the modern world there is magic happening all around you, and within you. The universe is sending you messages and symbols to keep you connected to higher vibrations.