Gentleness is the default state of a balanced person. The meek, the gentle ones, do inherit the Earth, for it is they who are flourishing heartily in the new energy.
True power does not come from force. Instead, it generates from focused balance. This type of balance only occurs when one is completely present and grounded, aware of the beyond, anchored in the now, and existing in the ebb and flow of gentle waves of energy washing over them. They are enveloped by a peaceful feeling, which resonates with Life Force Energy.
Such feelings can align you with the gentle soul that you are. You no longer feel the need to compete or criticize. You do not require anyone’s approval or recognition. You are traveling on a ray of ascension.
As you listen to the silence within you, you connect with your inner guidance. You receive signs, experience synchronistic events, and relish in the flow of life. You are experiencing the default human state.
Within yourself, in your center, is a place where you can always find peace and experience the present moment. Throughout the day, you can return to your center and be imbued with a gentle strength. Attuning your focus from the outer world to you inner being, allows you to listen to the dialogue you are having with your Higher Self.
Your spiritual path is one of knowing and being your true self. The esoteric learning you do in the physical realm gives you tools to help you achieve self-knowledge, but the real work must be done by you, from within.
As your self-knowledge increases, so does the inspiration and guidance you receive from the higher realms. Resonating with that wisdom, allows you to experience the grace within you. In a myriad of unique combinations, the divine source creates the spark of life, in all that exists.
There is no one who can tell you exactly how to make your journey, which is part of the beauty of the rite of passage. There are no traditions or handed down ceremonies for modern day conscious human evolution. It is up to you to discover the steps to take. You are your own spiritual teacher, floating on an iceberg that broke off the glacier, stranded on a desert island in the middle of the ocean, and wandering in an infinite wilderness without a compass.
As you journey through the spiral of time, and experience the cycles of life, focusing on the beauty of the cosmic expression that extent out into the galaxies and beyond, you are traveling with the mystical expression of a magical consciousness.
The Higher Beings can help you facilitate such transformations when you ask for their assistance. As you release lower energies, so they can be transmuted into pure Light, you experience healing and the beauty and magic that is your legacy as a gentle soul.