Wendy’s Quotes
- It’s not how much you do, but what you do.
- The Divine Light is in you...as you.
- First, you must have the intention.
- You are what you think.
- What you believe is what you get.
- Moderation is the highest human state…Martin Zellea
- There is no such thing as trying. You are giving yourself permission to fail…Yoda.
- Have fun.
- Trust yourself.
- If you think you should, you probably should not.
- Everyone is right. Do not deprive others of their lessons
- Every person does the best they can, with what they have to work with at the time.
- God is an extra-terrestrial.
- Without laughter, all is lost.
- Give and receive equally.
- Embrace synchronicity.
- Surround yourself with beauty.
- Pursue coziness.
- Life is a dance; learn to move with the rhythm.
- Once you define, you lose the Divine.
- Honor yourself. Honor everyone.
- Life is an occasion, rise to it.
- It is all about LOVE.
- Everyone is on a spiritual path, it’s just that Masters are aware that they are on one.
- All by which I am defined, is all that I am not.
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